Knowns as the Smart Mammal.
Species commonly found in Singapore
1. Norway Rat, Rattus norvegicus
2. Roof Rat, Rattus rattus diardii
3. House Mouse, Mus MusculusGhost

Rodents lives about 1 year. Sexual maturity at 1 to 3 months depending on species. With 4 to 8 sets of offspring per year, 1 to 12 rats per offspring.
Rodents are excellent swimmer, climber, jumper, highly intelligent and neophobia. Therefore, it develops bait and trap shyness very easily.

Interesting facts about rodents
- Nocturnal; has poor eyesight and color blind.
- Excellent sense of hearing, smell, taste and touch
- Has a weak bladder, it urinates and defecates while feeding.
- Leave distinct rub marks on walls, caused by its body oil and dirt.
- Can swim for 3 days before it drowns.
- Can squeeze into premises through a hole as small as the size of a quarter.